Ask Paul – A Look Into the Future Episode 48 – Behind the CIQ
April 8, 2020 | By Paul Latham
Financial Advisors
In the last episode of A Look Into The Future, Paul Latham covered the importance of properly positioning the CIQ (Client Information Questionnaire) Diagnostic to clients. He discussed:
- The client understanding why the advisor wants to use the CIQ
- The advisor explaining the context behind the CIQ
- The advisor leading the proactive planning process
In this episode, Paul reveals more about the structure behind the diagnostic - the key points being:
- The CIQ is online - making it easy to complete together or independently
- The CIQ is a process - so it is scalable
- The CIQ is tangible - bringing elements of the advisor's value proposition to life
Watch to discover how you can make proactivity a real, tangible process with your clients to become the Most Relevant Advisor.
Want to watch more of “A Look Into The FUTURE” check out our past shows on YouTube HERE: