In the last LIFT episode, we discussed the first two steps of how to create a solid business brand.
Today, we'll discuss the third step - how to create your Customer Service Framework.
After defining the business purpose and brand promise, accountants must put a consistent service delivery process in place. That process must ensure that the accountant's team consistently provides the client with the value promised.
The accountant must not leave that consistent service (your equivalent of the “Coca-Cola shaped bottle”) to chance. They need a client service framework that drives (by process) the type of valuable service behavior that your clients want – and your brand promised them.
By defining your service delivery steps – you will have allowed your team to succeed – and it becomes possible to “package the service” – which makes it both possible to offer to clients (in terms of the value promise and value pricing) and possible for the team to deliver consistently.
Watch as Paul Latham shows an illustration of the Elite Resource Team System™ client service framework, which helps accountants to provide advisory services to high net worth business owner clients.