We Help Advisors Generate More Revenue Without Paying for Leads, Dinner Seminars, or Waiting on Referrals

Expand your services and generate recurring revenue without spending a dollar on marketing.

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Why Choose Elite Resource Team?

Elite Resource Team provides the proven methodology, guidance and expertise you need to be able to generate more revenue for your firm by creating profitable partnerships with CPAs and utilizing our Virtual Family Office team of 75+ Specialists. 

Your dedicated Member Success Manager will help get you started on the path to making more revenue in just 45 days* by reviewing your existing client list and looking for revenue-generating opportunities that are quick-wins. 

When you work with our team of Virtual Family Office Specialists, you not only are helping your clients create more wealth through tax savings, business optimization or investments, just to name a few strategies we support, but you also share in the revenue generated from those activities, which helps your firm grow faster. 

*If you enroll in our Fast Track program.

Elite Clients Have Seen These Results

Elite clients grew their firms over 100% year over year. Here are some examples of real firms that have worked with us:

Advisor 1
  • 45 years old
  • Sole proprietor financial advising firm
  • Started with ERT in late 2021
  • 2021 Revenue = $30,000
  • 2022 Revenue= $40,000
  • 2023 Revenue= $300,000
Advisor 2
  • 56 years old
  • Sole proprietor financial advisor
  • Started with ERT in 2021
  • 2021 Revenue= $160,000
  • 2022 Revenue= $280,000
  • 2023 Revenue= $550,000
Advisor 3
  • 38 years old
  • Sole proprietor financial planning firm
  • Started with ERT in 2022
  • 2021 Revenue= $150,000
  • 2022 Revenue= $980,000
  • 2023 Revenue= $1,800,000
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What You Get with Elite Resource Team

25+ Hours of Expert Video Training

on How to Build Profitable CPA Relationships to Accelerate Growth

Access to 75+ Virtual Family Office Specialists

to Expand Your Services and Share in Revenue

Add Virtual Family Office Specialists to Your Website

to Enhance Your Firm's Offerings & Reputation

Proactive Planning Platform

to Easily Identify New Revenue Generating Opportunities

Elite Marketing Services

to Automate Lead Generation with Pre-Loaded Marketing Campaigns

Membership to Our Community

to Collaborate, Share, And Get Advice & Support from Like-Minded Advisors

Live Collaboration Calls 2x Weekly

to Talk Through Challenges In Real Time with Seasoned Experts

Weekly Client Case Calls

to Get 1:1 Analysis and Advice on Advanced Planning Opportunities

Growth Credit Marketplace

to Add Marketing Services or Coaching to Your Membership At Any Time

Our Clients Say It Best

“One year we nearly 10x the business, then doubled it the year after and doubled it again last year. ”

Carson Grover

Financial Advisor

“Once you provide that deep value for that one client, initially, and [focus on] doing it right and organically learning, that client has introduced me to other people and I've never asked for a referral.”

Paavan Kotini

Insurance Agent

“I now work exclusively with clients of my CPA partners.”

Justin Mundt

Financial Advisor

“Now I have more tools in my tool belt to work with actual business owners.”

Greg Keiper

Insurance Agent

“I've had a 400% increase in revenue since last year.”

Michael Simms, MBA, CVB

Financial Advisor

“Elite provided me with strategic relationships to offer solutions to my clients in a more efficient way.”

Sterling Hirsch

Financial Advisor

“Elite brings strategic processes that assist us in achieving our clients' ultimate objectives.”

Mark Wade

Financial Advisor

“Working with Elite is the smartest business decision I've made in my career.”

Hal Cromwell, CLU, ChFC

Insurance Agent

“I started working on advanced tax planning, something that I didn't have access to before.”

Chris Wallace

Financial Advisor

“This last year was our best year ever. We grew by four times.”

Jack Branch

Financial Advisor

“I'm getting a positive response from clients I never thought I would approach.”

Jason Bright

Financial Advisor

“I'm on a trajectory to adding fun to my business as well as adding value to my clients.”

Eric Runge

Financial Advisor

“I’m delivering value & educating the client. Elite Resource Team has become a very powerful resource to me.”

Vincent Mongare

Financial Advisor

“Elite's Virtual Family Office has helped me expand my practice tremendously.”

James Lavorgna, J.D., LL.M., TEP, CFP®

Financial Advisor

“I've transitioned from being a one-trick pony to a hollistic financial planner.”

Ed Kollada

Financial Advisor

“I can provide help to my clients on all levels thanks to a large team of specialists available to me.”

Stacey Andres

Financial Advisor

“After I found Elite Resource Team I'm able to bring a lot value to the client & they appreciate it. I get a lot of referrals. My income tripled, maybe 4x this year.”

Gina Tang

Financial Advisor

“By developing relationships with CPAs my marketing costs have dropped significantly.”

Jim Jones

Financial Advisor

“It's been a complete game changer. I enjoy adding value by working with true specialists.”

Eric Partin

Financial Advisor

“I'm now meeting 3-4 accountants weekly. Elite Resource Team helped me with the right approach.”

Joseph Lopresti

Financial Advisor

“I have never been more excited about the future of my business. ”

Shuey Wynne

Financial Advisor

Ready to start a conversation?

Need more information about how Elite Resource Team can help your firm generate more revenue without buying leads or hosting expensive dinners?

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